


12241073_773591219419071_5905660853095626961_oSYM has recently developed in the various provinces and countries in Europe and the Middle East in different ways.

Different forms of national coordination, some structures, some sharing meetings among young and groups from different countries and provinces have increased.

Young had already asked for a European SYM coordination since the Confronto ’99, but only during the Confronto 2004 they have shared a real coordination suggestion.



sym_1During the Confronto 2004 the following main elements have been defined and they have been focusing points since the origins of the coordination:

  • To develop a flexible and practical structure; the experience has to lead its progressive development.
  • To grant the respect of the originality, of the rhythm and of the development of SYM in every country, according to its own state; every contribution is essential for the growth of the movement.
  • To establish that the role of SDB, FMA and of the other adults of the Salesian Family consists of supporting and going with the Christian and Salesian formation of the young and of really promoting themselves also in the decision-making.
  • To work on the network with the other already existing realities in the Salesian Youth Ministry helping the coordination of them all working for the mission in favour of the young.
  • To evaluate the presence of SYM in some civil and ecclesial organizations (at local, provincial, national, international level).

The identity of the Salesian Youth Movementjoy

SYM is a community of young and groups, according to the different interests of young, with a common formation and growth process.

  • Young live the meeting with the risen Christ daily referring to the experience of Saint John Bosco, Saint Maria Domenica Mazzarello and of the Saints of the Salesian Family.
  • Young follow and live the Salesian Youth Spirituality and Pedagogy with a strong sense of belonging to the Church.
  • SYM promotes the link and the coordination among its members.

SYM in Europe and in the Middle East is an educational and pastoral movement of reference and it is not a structure.

The animation of SYMsym

The goal of the animation of SYM is its own growth.

The animation of SYM requires:

  • A deep knowledge of the identity of SYM from everybody.
  • A process of formation that grants a Christian and educational growth of young.
  • A promotion of the sharing of the values of the Salesian spirituality and pedagogy, the link, the cooperation among groups and the associations in SYM.
  • The presence and the engagement of SYM for young, above all for the poorest in the society and in the Church.

The structure of animation of SYM is a flexible and simple coordination in which young and adults (religious and lay people) share the choices and animate the Movement in communion and joint responsibility.

This coordination is divided into different levels:

  • Local, the main place of communion and participation.
  • Provincial/national.
  • International.