Young representing the ministry of the nations with the presence of SDB-FMA.
A SDB and a FMA where there is a national coordination, the FMA and the SDB responsible for the PG or SYM at a national/provincial level.
Members of salesian family, representing the European network, invited by the Small Team.
A representative of the SDB-Department (office of the Youth Ministry of the SDB General Council) and a representative of FMA sector (office of the Youth Ministry of the FMA General Council).
The General Assembly meets every year.
To promote meeting and communication of life and good practices of SYM occasions among the various nations – provinces.
To offer formative meetings to deepen the Salesian Youth Spirituality (SYS) and to suggest subjects for the General Assembly of the following year.
To elect the members of the Small Team.
To suggest European common meeting occasions.
A general suggestion for the European Confronto and to verify it.